Our first traffic jam in OpenTTD - Ep. 3

Описание к видео Our first traffic jam in OpenTTD - Ep. 3

Trying to explain more, recorded a lot of footage all at once and did not have the foresight to get decent shots of everything :(

NewGRF List: https://pastebin.com/raw/CFuj9qfz

0:00 Intro
0:26 Building Sawmill Goods Drop
1:23 Building Sawmill Goods Pickup
2:25 Working on New Sideline
2:44 Building new Sideline Hub
4:13 Hooking up Primary Industries
5:03 How to Spread Stations
5:33 Adding Goods Trains
5:43 Overflow Psychosis
6:22 Our First Traffic Jam
7:47 Adding Another Lane
9:32 Post-Expansion Jam Clearup
9:48 Outro


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